Philly activist first cited under new decriminalization law

Mike Whiter wore his camouflage Phillies cap and a white and green NORML hoodie as he stood outside of Philadelphia’s City Hall Monday morning and lit a joint. After taking a couple of puffs, a police officer ordered him to drop it and began writing Whiter a $100 citation. Only a day earlier, the same act would have led to an arrest and criminal record.

Maine lawmakers will consider legalizing marijuana

Marijuana legalization is getting plenty of attention in Maine. Two groups have announced planned petition drives to put their version of legalization on the 2016 ballot. Now a state lawmaker is getting involved. Maine State Rep. Diane Russell confirmed by phone Monday that she will file a bill to legalize marijuana and tax it like alcohol inContinue reading “Maine lawmakers will consider legalizing marijuana”

Pro-cannabis groups offering different paths to legalization in Maine

Maine requires a petition with around 61,000 valid signatures for 2016 initiatives. While volunteers collect some of these, professional campaigns often hire specialized businesses to help. The inevitability of invalidated signatures means groups need to collect much more than the minimum number.